A Collection of AR Filters
Here at T&DA we create unique and ground breaking AR experiences, leveraging preferred partnerships with Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.
Until 2020 branded content on these platforms was only accessible through certain beta programs we have been a part of, however recently these platforms’ have open their doors to brands, or should we say opened the flood gates…
Ray Leung our technologist commander in chief, has found great successes in posting some of his own face filter creations on the Spark AR platform. In order to unleash the creative possibilities he was envisioning for these platforms, his first creation was ‘Muppet Me’ and within weeks he had 11.2 million impressions on this filter alone. Once we saw the potential on how far the reach of these filters could go, Ray kept creating more filters and as of beginning 2020 over 30 million impressions have occurred on his account.
As Spark AR has officially opened its doors to branded filters, this medium is seeing a significant up take, and due to our close relationship with our tech partners, and with Ray in particular being so imbedded within the Spark AR community, we are regularly invited as attendees on various panels and events evangelising on the technologies potential.
Click on the effect icons below to try on the filters/lenses.